Prayers for You


I said a prayer for you today 
And know God must have heard - 
I felt the answer in my heart 
Although He spoke no word. 
I didn't ask for wealth or fame, 
I knew you wouldn't mind, 
I asked Him to send treasures 
Of a far more lasting kind. 
I asked that He'd be near you 
At the start of each new day 
To grant you health and blessings 
And friends to share your way. 
I asked for happiness for you 
In all things great and small - 
But it was for His loving care 
I prayed the most of all. 

- Unknown - 

May you be blessed 
with the strength of heaven, 
the light of the sun, 
and radiance of the moon, 
the splendor of fire, 
the speed of lightning, 
the swiftness of wind, 
the depth of the sea, 
the stability of earth, 
and the firmness of rock. 

- St. Patrick - 

May His counsels sweet uphold you, 
And His loving arms enfold you, 
As you journey on your way. 

May His sheltering wings protect you, 
And His light divine direct you, 
Turning darkness into day. 

May His potent peace surround you, 
And His presence linger with you, 
As your inner, golden ray. 

- Unknown -